
Quad Twisted Vape Coils


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5.99 12.00

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The Quad is a cloud machine. It does have the grooves for ample flavor but it comes in abundant clouds of warm vape.

  •    QUADS               Massive Flavor, Best Clouds, Warm Vape

Quads chuck.

Quads = Cloud Competition ready 

  • 26g Quad Twisted Vape Coils –  0.1 – 0.2 ohms per coil

The Ohms are somewhat low across the board as a rule with Quads so
what you get is in your face. Lower gauge wires are thick. Be mindful of
the size of your atomizer holes… Lower gauges are ill, however,
you may need to drill out your posts somehow.  The Ohms are somewhat
low as a rule here so what you get is in your face.

All coils are packaged in packs

  • 1 pack consists of 5 individual coils
  • Pre torched
  • Pre squeezed
  • Ready to go- Immense clouds & Insane flavor
  • All coils are packaged in crush proof containers that double as retail packaging. 
  • All Packs are labeled with ohm ratings 

Be Advised: 

With Pre-Made coils the Ohm
Readings will vary from reader to reader. If you use 2 coils then the
resultant resistance of the build will be 1/2 the printed Ohms on the
package… If you use 4 coils it will be ¼ of the listed resistance WE DO
NOT RECOMMEND 4 coil builds. This type of wire necessitates good new
batteries and mindfulness.

SKU: TRV-QTC Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,